On Wednesday June 11th we got a wonderful phone call from our Ethiopia specialist at CHSFS, who gave us the news that we had been matched with a handsome little 3 year old boy named Merete (Meh-Ray-Tay) . We hope to bring him home between Sept and Dec of this year! We are all so very excited! I can't post his picture just yet, bu here is one of E, the big brother, checking out his little brother for the first time...
June 16, 2008
Busy, busy, busy
Lots has happened in the last couple of weeks! The weekend after we got back from ABA was our karate belt test, where E earned his yellow belt and I my brown w/ white stripe belt. Then we went to Jacksonville, Alabama to check out Jacksonville State University. And then on this past Friday E and I went to Lakeland, FL for the Sunshine State Games. E competed in the 5 and under beginner/novice kata division, and got a silver medal! Han came to watch and bring E and a friend home so they could spend Father's Day together, while Wendy and I stayed at the tournament to volunteer on Sunday. This week Han goes to New York, and early next week we both go to Baltimore. And in the middle of all of this we got the best news ever, but deserves a blog entry of it's own...