March 30, 2007

Hello Everyone!

OK, so some of you know that we have the Van Goh family website. Unfortunately, its blog feature doesn't allow for comments, and I would like to have a more comment-friendly blog site. I will post here when there is something "interesting" on our website or when there is something I'd like to discuss. So, for starters: check out the Seaworld pics on our website! Second: for all those Lost fans out there: who were those people, have they been there the whole time, and why should we care about them?!?!?!?!


Amanda said...

very nice! Love the Sea World Pics. I promise I will watch Lost as soon as I get home and will rush back to discuss! :D

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you guys went to Sea World! It looks like a lot of fun!!!
BTW, dad says grandpapa is coming in July. That's all I know. Love ya!

Carole said...

July?? OK, but on July 21st the new Harry Potter book comes out and no matter what, I'm reading it starting at midnight!

Anonymous said...

"for all those Lost fans out there:who were those people, have they been there the whole time, and why should we care about them?!?!?!?!"

They made them up, they weren't visible in previous episodes, but obviously the writers wanted us to think they were there the whole time! Weird..... maybe they'll die of suffocation and that will be the end of them. Seems like just a way to get another episode under their belts to me.

amanda p.

Anonymous said...

I guess Pablo and whatever her name was....died. At least they got an episode out of them. WEIRD.

amanda p.