December 16, 2007

Pre-Christmas Celebration

Cristina and Ronnie came over tonight for a pre-Christmas celebration. After dinner we opened presents. E opened the ones from Uncle Hsiung and Uncle Lin and families. He absolutely loves the dinosaur "dig it" and the Guess Who game. And he can hardly wait to watch Ratatouille :-) We'll be trying out Operation soon too! He opened one present from Mom and Dad, his laptop, which we hope will keep him busy on the car ride home. He also got new Thomas DVDs from Cristina and Ronnie, and Han and I got a night out (dinner and babysitting, hurray!).

We played a few rounds of Guess Who, where the team of Carole and E blew the others away in the first two rounds. Then all ganged up on me before the girls went against the guys. Unfortunately for E, Han and Ronnie forgot their brains or they washed them away with the beer (perhaps it takes a certain strength to handle a good Belgian ale)....either way, they lost twice and then fortified the last two games due to mental lapses.

E and Ronnie watched an episode of Thomas while Cristina and I set up her new remote controlled dragonfly. It's really cool, though it make take some practice :-)