July 6, 2008

The rest of June, and July 4th!

So we continue to go around, visiting new and old places, in search of our futures. We went to Baltimore and visited KKI. We had a wonderful dinner at Roy's (Hawaiian Fusion) where I had Opakapaka, which had been swimming in the oceans near Hawaii just 24 hours prior. I note this here so fellow fish fans can look up their nearest Roy's and give it a try. Here's a view from our hotel and later the flight home.

On these rainy afternoons, we've been working on our new hobby...puzzles. After the 5th one I've decided to get something more challenging, so I've ordered a 2,000 piece world map, which should keep us entertained for a while. Here are a couple of our recent favorites.

We've also rediscovered the joy of finding frogs everywhere! It seems like every time we open E's water toy, there is at least one frog hanging out in there.

In adoption news, we recently passed our 1 year LID anniversary for China. In a year, they have referred 67 days worth of LID's. There are still 528 days before they get to us. I've stopped the predictions because they are so sad at this point. Some have suggested that things may speed up after the Olympics. I have my doubts, but I'm guessing that more and more people will drop out of the program as this wait gets longer. Things from Ethiopia are moving along well, on the other hand. We have our court date: 7/28. That is but a week before the court closure, so we really hope we make it though the first time around!

Finally, we couldn't make it to the fireworks at UF, but we did go to High Springs for theirs last night. The festival in the afternoon was a bit lame, probably due to the rain. We kept busy at the mall and returned to find the place packed at 9 pm. We couldn't find a parking spot, so we "paused" behind some one's car and were prepared to leave if need be. It turned out to be a perfect spot, as soon as we had E sit on the roof so he could see everything.