November 17, 2008

One Month Already

So it's already been a month since we got home with Merete. It's amazing how quickly he has adjusted to his new life. He's a fun loving, easy going kid, so that certainly helps! He and Elijah are having a great time together, and Elijah is proving to be a wonderful big brother. Of course, there are the rough spots where someone gets tackled, some toy gets taken, and even who makes it to the bathroom first is a competition. Still pretty funny though :-)

M's English is getting better and better every day. He loves to imitate us, and he's now even speaking in "full" sentences every so often (you know, like a typical 3 year old). He's adopted all of our catch phrases, so there's plenty of "uggrrrrr" when things don't go his way (courtesy of E), "oh jeezz" (courtesy of Han), and "oh come on!" (I think that's mine). He's also still growing and gaining weight rapidly...I have no idea what his ideal weight and height are, but he's well on the US charts now. And he also got a perfectly clean bill of health from his doc!

Among the other fun activities we've shown you in the past month, the boys have also gone to a birthday party for one of E's classmates:

The biggest new development is that Merete has started school part-time! Last Monday, E was off from school and we had them both go to M's new school (which is E's old school) so M could get used to the place with his big brother there to watch over him. I heard from the teachers that M had a wonderful time, and that E spent the entire time protecting his brother, showing him everything and introducing him to other kids.

Over the next couple of days M kept asking about school, so on Friday we decided to let him go on his own. E heads off very early, so when I got back I figured M and I could go for a walk before he went to school. His response: "No! It's a school day!" with a nice "duh, Mom, get with it" look on his face. Even today he kept pointing towards E's school and saying "Elijah", and then pointing in the other direction and sayign "Merete's school". I'm trying not to take it personally, but he can't wait to get away from his boring parents to head off to play with his new friends! I am grateful that he is so happy there.

Finally, I'd be in big trouble if I didn't show off Leonard, Elijah's fancy turkey: