April 23, 2009

Blue Bird Family

In mid-February, a couple of blue birds started making E's birdhouse their home. They both brought twigs and pine needles to the house, thought he male spent way too much time flying into the living room window. After a while things got quiet, so we took a peek and saw little eggs! Maybe a week or so ago, we saw the mommy bird fly to the house, then suddenly heard this chorus of little babies chirping, and man where those little guys loud! After the mom flew away, I went by to check out the babes. When I got closer, at least three little beaks came out, open and chirping away! I wish I had brought the camera, because as soon as they saw me, the ducked back into the house and never came out for me again (I tried not to take it personally). So for about a week or so, both parents went in and out, feeding the kids. On Tuesday, the babies started peeking their little heads out, so long as I was standing inside watching from the window. At some point on Wednesday, they must have flown away, because as of today, the nest is empty. The parents are still hanging out though, and I saw the dad bringing in some more twigs today. He's also started flying into the window again (he hadn't done that since the eggs appeared). I have no idea if maybe they are rebuilding the nest for other eggs (do they have more than one set a year??) or maybe this is some sort of actual empty nest syndrome?? Regardless, I've enjoyed the little blue bird family!